The Rome Lab is a project of Centro Primo Levi and the Jewish Museum of Rome in collaboration with NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò and the University of Rome La Sapienza. Spearheaded by Alessandra Di Castro and Natalia Indrimi is a dreamlike learning space that collapses spatial and temporal coordinates around three symbolic physical places: the Jewish quarter, the Jewish Museum and the Synagogue. It is home to roundtables and an audio-visual installation aimed at imagining how the association with the Roman Empire and the presence of fundamental Jewish symbols in its capital shaped and changed the Jews who lived in Rome, in the Mediterranean diaspora, as well as those who remained in Judea. The audiovisual installation is curated and realized by Alessandro Cassin, Valerio Ciriaci and Isaak Liptzin, Andrea Brulicchio.
Centro Primo Levi offers public, academic programs and publications on Primo Levi and the history of Italian Jews and Judaism. Its main focus on 20th century totalitarianism expands to a history of over two thousand years in an ongoing effort to present the experience and perspective of a minority and its relation with mainstream culture in ancient and modern societies. www.primolevicenter.org
The Rome Lab is made possible through the generous support of the Viterbi Family, the Cahnman Foundation, Peter S. Kalikow, the Slovin Family Foundation, Claude Ghez, the Italian Tourism Board ENIT, with additional contributions from Lice Ghilardi and the David Berg Foundation. It is held under the auspices of the Italian Embassy in Washington D.C.
This exhibit closed on
Sunday, January 14, 2018